Thursday, September 1, 2011

Class #1

These are my notes.


  1. Dear Mr. Kelly,

    I think this is great!

  2. This is the first class I had, and the professor told us to follow the rule that write the outline after every single class. It's really helpful for review or consolidates the knowledge that I just learned. Also the professor told us to read the "I, pencil" and come up with 3 points. I already did.
    In the middle of the class, he gave us a case:
    We have founded the oil we have underground is 531,000,000,000 tons, but for every single year there are 16,500,000,000 tons of oil we use. According to this information, we can get after 32.2 years we will run out of oil. But, in fact, we can't run out of oil. And there is another fact set before us, the oil price is much lower than the time of the oil we just found. We haven't finish discuss this problem but I really looking forward to it!
